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Current Reads

As a bit of a bibliophile, I always enjoy getting lost in a good read. My tastes lean more towards historical non-fiction, sprinkled with the occasional health & wellness read and classics such as the likes of Joan Didion, Simone De Beauvoir and yes, I've read the complete 50 Shades of Grey trilogy along with a few other erotic novels. I read a great one a few years back called "The Scarlett Letters" about a USC grad turned pro dominatrix. Quite the thrilling, tell-all that many fantasize about, yet few have experienced firsthand. While not a domme myself there were many aspects of the book that I found myself relating to such as the many complexities that come with living a double life and finding the right moment and people to share it with, and the profound sense of empowerment that comes from not only learning to embrace who you are, but doing so despite what the rest of the world around you thinks.

My latest reads have been more of the historical variety. I find 20th-century history incredibly fascinating and have been voraciously reading various subjects ranging from the roaring 20s to the tumultuous 60s, and all the scintillating tales of espionage that came with those times. I'm currently reading a book based on one of the double cross agents that helped with the deception the Allies led against Germany during WW2 with their impending invasion. Supposedly, the star of the novel was also the inspiration for Ian Flemming's James Bond. If you like thrilling spy novels or WW2, I highly recommend giving this a read.

Here are some other recent reads that I've thoroughly enjoyed:

  • Double Cross - is about the group of double agents the British turned to help aid with Operation Fortitude - the plan to deceive the Germans about the location of the D-Day invasion.

  • The Devil's Chessboard - By far one of my favorite reads. This book is essentially a biography about Allen Dulles chronicling his time in his early days as a young spy for the OSS during WW2 and his shady dealings with the enemy, up to his heyday as the chief spymaster for the CIA. It's the side of history they never teach in school, but in my opinion far more interesting than any history book I have ever read!

  • Perfectly Imperfect - I read this a few years back and it's remained a favorite and a mainstay on my bookshelf. As a yoga enthusiast, I love the practice beyond just the physical benefits it offers. It strengthens both body and mind and Perfectly Imperfect is like a guidebook for incorporating those teachings in your daily life.

  • A Woman Of No Importance - Another great spy read! This one was about one of the first female SOE agents to be dropped into France during WW2 and one of the few who successfully ran agents behind enemy lines while remaining on the Gestapo's most wanted list. AND she did it all with only one leg. Talk about a badass woman!

  • 5th Avenue, 5am - This book explores how Breakfast At Tiffany's came to be such a hit despite the controversial subject matter and difficulty finding the right actress. And how Audrey Hepburn and her character Holly Golightly helped shape the modern woman of the 1960s, cementing her role as a fashion icon and reshaping society's views of beauty in an era when the Marilyn's and Elizabeth's dominated Hollywood.

  • Eight Days In May - If you love the thrill and suspense of WW2 then I highly recommend this read which depicts the final days of the war in vivid, if not sometimes heartbreaking detail. As someone who is deeply fascinated by what makes people behave in the ways that they do, this book poignantly detailed the inner mechanisms of the Third Reich.

Other titles currently on my reading list

  • Coco Chanel: Sleeping With The Enemy

  • Elizabeth & Margaret: The Intimate World Of The Windsor Sisters

  • American Prometheu: Oppenheimer

  • The Princess Spy

  • Venus & Aphrodite: A Biography of Desire

  • Survival Of The Prettiest: The Science Of Beauty

  • High Society: The Life Of Grace Kelly

  • The Swans of 5th Avenue - Truman Capote's swans and his friendship with Babe Paley

  • Mrs Kennedy & Me

  • The Second Sex by Simone De Beauvoir

What are you currently reading? Let's discuss some of our favorite titles over a bottle of bubbly during our next rendezvous!

xoxo Emma

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